Celebrate Strong Backyard Chickens at Purina® Flock-Tober® 2018
Aug 20, 2018

Celebrate Strong Backyard Chickens at Purina® Flock-Tober® 2018

Arden Hills, Minn. [August 23, 2018] – What do a beauty pageant, coop bling and nationwide game nights have in common? For backyard chicken enthusiasts, they’re all part of annual Purina® Flock-Tober® festivities held online and at local Purina® retailers each September and October.
“Springtime is for baby chicks and fall is for Purina® Flock-Tober®,” says Katie Signorelli, backyard flock marketing manager with Purina Animal Nutrition. “Flock-Tober® has become one of our favorite seasons because springborn chicks are just starting to lay eggs and mature hens are laying strong. We’re excited to keep the poultry party going in 2018 with our fourth annual Purina® Flock-Tober® celebration.”
Highlights of Purina® Flock-Tober® 2018 include:
Local celebrations and free chicken coop signs: Last year, more than 100,000 people tuned in to the Flock-Tober® coop sign reveal on the Purina Poultry Facebook page. Back by popular demand, chicken raisers can again receive a free limited edition coop sign with the purchase of Purina® poultry feed at participating Purina® retailers. This year’s sign designs include: Waddle on in, The rooster crows but the hen delivers and L🐔VE. Select retailers will also host in-store Purina® Flock Talks™ to offer hands-on workshops and share chicken-raising tips.
Social media contests and tips: For a chance to win prize packages, including a year’s supply of poultry feed, flock enthusiasts can enter the Miss Flock-Tober® pageant on the Purina Poultry Facebook page. There will be four categories: Miss Helpful, Miss Congeniality, Miss Performance and Miss Fancy Feathers. Team Purina will also broadcast from the backyard coops at the Purina Animal Nutrition Center and host a Thursday flock game day on the Facebook page each week.
Strong hens, strong eggs: Strong hens strut their stuff. They walk the backyard with confidence. To look and feel their best, hens should transition from starter-grower feed to layer feed at 18 weeks of age or when the first egg arrives. Choose a layer feed that includes the Purina® Oyster Strong® System to help hens lay eggs with strong, protective eggshells. Chicken raisers can try Purina® layer feeds through their Feed Greatness® Challenge.
To find a participating retailer near you, visit www.purinamills.com/Flocktober-Finder or connect with Purina Poultry on Facebook or Pinterest; to receive a coupon to try Purina® layer feeds with the Oyster Strong® System, go to www.purinamills.com/flocktrial.